Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1Personal Information2Right to Work3DeclarationsName *FirstLastDate of Birth *DD12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031MM123456789101112YYYY20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Mobile *Home PhoneEmail *Address *Address Line 1Address Line 2CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodePlease select an industry *Accountancy, Finance & AdminAutomotiveBuilding, Construction & TradesCall Centre & Customer ServicesDriving (i.e. HGV & Multi-drop)Energy, Oil & GasEngineering & TechnicalHealth & Social CareHospitalityIT & DigitalWarehouse, Manufacturing & ProductionAll other industriesWhich industry are you looking to work with? This will help us send your registration to the correct team.Please select your nearest branch *Please select the relevant / closest branch to you… Aberdeen (ABDN)Alexir (ALXR)Ashford (ASHF)Bedford (BEDF)Bradford (BRFD)Bristol (BRST)Castle Donington (CSDN)Castleford (CASF)Coventry (COVN)Daventry (DVTY)Denso (DNSO)Doncaster (DNCA)Glasgow (GLAS)Huddersfield (HUDS)Leeds (LEDS)Livingston (LIVI)Milton Keynes (MNKS)Newcastle (NWCA)Newton Aycliffe (NTAC)Norwich (NORW)Oldbury (OLBY)Oldham (OLHM)Sunderland (SUND)Telford (TLFD)Wakefield (WKFD)Warrington (WRNT)Wigan (WIGN)Please select your nearest branch *Please select the relevant / closest branch to you… Aberdeen Technical (ABDT)Castle Donington Technical (CSDT)Castleford Technical (CAST)Coventry Technical (COVT)Doncaster Technical (DNCT)Leeds Technical (LDCN)Livingston Technical (LIVT)Newcastle Technical (NWCT)Newton Aycliffe Technical (NTAT)Norwich Technical (NORT)Oldbury Technical (OLBT)Oldham Technical (OLHT)Sunderland Technical (SUND)Telford Technical (TLFT)Warrington Technical (WRTT)Wigan Technical (WIGN)Please select your nearest branch *Please select the relevant / closest branch to you… Bedford Logistics (BEDL)Daventry Logistics (DVTL)Livingston Logistics (LIVI)Milton Keynes Logistics (MNKL)Newcastle Logistics (NWCL)Newton Aycliffe Logistics (NTAL)Norwich Logistics (NORL)Oldham Logistics (OLHL)Scotland Logistics (SCTL)Telford Logistics (TLFL)Wakefield Logistics (YOKL)Warrington Logistics (WRNL)Please select your nearest branch *Please select the relevant / closest branch to you… Doncaster Healthcare (DNCH)Newcastle Healthcare (NWCH)North West Healthcare (DNCH)South East Healthcare (ASHC)Please select your nearest branch *Please select the relevant / closest branch to you… Aberdeen Automotive (ABDA)North West Automotive (NWAU)Sunderland Automotive (SUND)Please select your nearest branch *Please select the relevant / closest branch to you… Aberdeen Energy (SCOE)England Energy (ENGE)Please select your nearest branch *Please select the relevant / closest branch to you… Doncaster Construction (DNCC)Dundee Construction (DUND)Sunderland Construction (SUND)Warrington Construction (WRNC)Please select your nearest branch *Please select the relevant / closest branch to you… Aberdeen Hospitality (ABDH)Leeds Hospitality (LEDH)Newcastle Hospitality (NWHO)Oldbury Hospitality (OLBH)Please select your nearest branch *Please select the relevant / closest branch to you… IT & Digital UK wide (ITDI)Please upload your CV * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. How did you hear about us?NextDo you need a permit or visa to work in the UK? *YesNoWe require ID documents in order to verify your right to work. Are you able to provide your ID now or later in branch or via a call?NowLaterRight to Work ID *Valid UK PassportValid EEA Passport or ID CardOther valid Passport AND valid VISAUK Birth CertificateUK expired Passport (less than 10 years expired)Please select what ID you have to upload. If you cannot provide any of the above, please contact your local branch for more advice to Work ID File Upload * Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Please upload front cover of passport and picture page. For ID cards please upload front and back.We require driving licences and cards. Are you able to provide your driving documents now or give us permissions to do an online licence check, or provide these later in branch or via a call? *I can upload my documents nowPermission for Major to do an online licence check with my check codeLaterDriving Licence (front & back) Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. If you have already provided above, please ignore.Digi Tacho Card Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Driver Qualification Card Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Driving Licence Check Code *If you have already done an online driving licence check, you can share this with us via ‘check code’.PreviousNextGDPR Disclaimer *I agree to Major Recruitment’s privacy statement outlined below.I hereby give my consent to Major Recruitment Ltd to process the following information: Personal data Name Date of Birth Contact details, including telephone number, email address and postal address Experience, training and qualifications CV National insurance number Sensitive personal data Disability/health condition relevant to the role Criminal conviction I consent Major Recruitment to process the above personal data for the following purposes: To provide me with work-finding services, to process or transfer my personal data to their client(s) in order to provide me with work-finding services, to process my data on a computerised database in order to provide me with work-finding services, to process my data using automated decision making processes, include any other relevant purposes for processing personal data. I also consent Major Recruitment processing my personal data with third parties for the purposes of internal audits and investigations carried out on the Company to ensure that the Company is complying with all relevant laws and obligations. I understand that if I work for Major Recruitment, some details to be kept for 7 years for payroll purposes. The Major Recruitment data retention policy can be found here: I am aware that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time by informing the Company that I wish to do so.Health & DisabilityThe following questions on health and disability are asked in order to find out your needs in terms of reasonable adjustments to access our recruitment service and to find out your needs in order to perform the job or position sought.Do you have any health issues or a disability relevant which may make it difficult for you to carry out functions which are essential for the role you seek or to attend interviews? *YesNoWhat are your needs in terms of reasonable adjustments in order to access this recruitment service and to attend interview or take aptitude tests etc? *Criminal ConvictionsDo you have any unspent* criminal convictions *YesNo*Certain types of employment and professions are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and in those cases particularly where the employment is sought in relation to positions involving working with children or vulnerable adults, details for all criminal convictions must be given. The information given will be treated in the strictest of confidence and only taken into account where, in the reasonable opinion of Major Recruitment Ltd, the offence is relevant to the post to which you are applying. Failure to declare a conviction may require us to exclude you from our register or terminate an assignment if the offence is not declared but later comes to light.Please state all convictions and dates *MessageSubmit