If you’ve read our blog on interview preparation, you’ll have all the information you need about the company and the role you’re applying for. Now, it’s all about the interview itself – but don’t worry – we’re here to help with that too!
We can’t come in with you, but we’ll be there in spirit, and we’ve created a secret weapon: a list of the perfect phrases and questions you can use before, during and after the interview which will put you at the top of the list.

Preparation is the easy part, it’s at the interview itself when the nerves kick in. But stay calm, you’re prepared, and you obviously have the skills they’re looking for – that’s why they want to see you after all!
You’ll have the answers to their questions. However, in some cases this isn’t enough – as your competition will have done their research too! It’s important you stand out from the rest, so be positive and enthusiastic. Show them you’re a serious candidate and that you really want the role. Whether you came to Major, or trawled the jobs boards (Jooble etc), you’ve managed to find the ideal role for you and now it’s your chance to make it yours!
Without further ado, here are the phrases that will make you shine.
“I thought how the company…was brilliant!”
Before the first question has been asked, get in there first! After the introductions of course and just before things get serious, this is your opportunity to make a great first impression, which can then shape the whole interview. Pay them a compliment on a piece of work or an achievement (an ad campaign, an article, their new website). This will show the interviewer that you’ve done your research and you have a genuine interest in the company – that’s a gold star for you!
“I feel that I can help your company by…”
Once the interview is in full flow, it’s time to bring out the big guns! This is your chance to show why you are relevant for the role and what value you can bring to the organisation. Remember, you’re being judged against all the other candidates, so you need to be giving them a reason to choose you.
“I’ve had previous experience with…”
This is where you steal the information from the job description they have given you. Use the requirements and company jargon in this to sell you (in words they understand)! Pick something they’re looking for, something that you have experience in and are happy to give examples about.
“I understand, so you mean…”
This is how to show your interviewers that you’re not just sat there clock-watching or planning what you’ll be having for tea. Prove that you’re paying attention and clarify on one of the questions.

“I’m always looking to develop my skills, recently I…”
Let the interviewer know that you’re eager to learn and build on your current skills. If you can showcase this, it’s a massive selling point. Nobody is the finished article and every company will want to show you how ‘they do it’. So if you can prove you’re always happy to grow and learn new things, this will be music to their ears!
“I must say I think this job is perfect for me because…”
When the interview questioning has come to an end, this is your chance to get some extra credit! This is your Apprentice moment, to draw Alan Sugar’s “You’re Hired” finger your way. This is your closing pitch, remind them of why you’re the best for the job. Get in any points that you wanted to say during the interview but didn’t get the opportunity.
“I’d be thrilled to work for this company”
This is the best conclusion you can leave the interviewers with. They’ll see that you’re forward thinking and confident. You’re not going to mess them around – If they choose you, they’ll get you!

Well done, you’ve done it! Your prepared well, answered their questions correctly and got these phrases (in some form). So you should be well placed to receive that coveted job offer.